Many women worry about waxing, investigating many techniques, but they forget that every part of the body can be shaved in a different way.
In this article, you will give some tips to learn how to shave every part of the body with the appropriate method.
Women who shave generally use half leg or cold roll-on wax. This area is not as sensitive, so the result is quite satisfactory.Have thighs and inside the computer, be sure to use hot wax, because with it, the process is less painful and aggressive. Heat the wax expands the pores and facilitates the removal of hair.
The arms need not to be hair, but many women prefer waxing to reduce sweating or even because the skin is more beautiful lisinha. Because they are thick and sturdy wire, the wax is the preferred method can be cold or hot.Armpits
When the first by appearing in armpits, during puberty, it is recommended to remove with tweezers, because there are few around and there is no need to harm the entire region.A very popular method is the blade, but the hairs are trimmed and only in a few days begin to tingle. The trick is to switch the types of waxing or invest in a final option because all techniques can stain the skin and cause the jam.
Who has little fluff to can extract by using tweezers? Who already have enough to invest in a more effective method, as the warm wax?Remember, the face should be shaved at least four hours before leaving home due to sun exposure.
Some women have little hairs on the nipple. They can be removed with tweezers or trimmed with scissors.Groin
The groin is an extremely sensitive area, so the hair removal can be quite painful. The trick is to use warm wax the basis of seaweed or honey and always avoid using blades, as this may cause itching and allergy.Intimate region
Shave the inner region requires extra care to be a more sensitive location as the groin. You can use hot wax or cold wax disposable.Depilatory creams should be avoided as they are chemical and can irritate the site. The blade should also be avoided as you run the risk of causing an irritation or have been itching.
hair precautions:
- moisturizers before
- hairs, alternate
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