How to shave your groin Foxer 2:52 AM groin , hair removal , hot wax Edit The waxing the groin can cause irritation, ingrown hairs and stains due to assault the skin suffers because it is a sensitive and thin region. Many women feel embarrassed by irritation in the groin and end up avoiding going to the beach, the club and these problems may even interfere in intimate moments, because they do not feel safe. With some care, you can shave the right way and avoid all these problems. Check Out: What is the best way to shave? The wax is one of the methods most recommended by dermatologists as a professional who works with this method will know to remove the hair safely without causing that injury and serious assaults on the skin. It is important to be attentive merits of wax, do not accept reused wax, even though it has been screened. Can I shave using hot wax at home? You can, but you must be very careful and follow to the letter all the product packaging information. It is important the temperature of the wax be careful not to cause a burn or other injury, in addition, you should note which way the hair grows and always pulls the wax in that sense.Although you can shave using hot wax at home is the ideal look for a professional, especially if you have not waxed alone. Retire the razor blade Use the razor blade to shave the groin is one of the main causes of spots and problems in the area.Try spending a blade in a cotton fabric making the same move that would make the groin. The fabric will be shredded and can even tear in the skin the effect is similar.With the blade the hair grows fast as the root of it is not removed. You need to shave more often, and thus friction is constant. The depilatory cream work? To escape the pain of waxing, using depilatory cream is a good option, but one should be careful to try first in a small region to rule out the chances of an allergy. In the case of an allergy arise, look for other creams that may have a softer composition. To do at home, follow the instructions, respecting the period that the cream should be kept on the skin before removal.The cream should be purchased for own use in the area because there are creams for thinner hair, as fluff, chop and belly and creams for thicker hair, as armpits, legs and groin, so the action period is different.It is also important to wash the groin after shaving with cream, for any product residue can cause staining, irritation and even serious injury. Laser epilation is a good choice? Contrary to what most people think, hair removal laser is not really a definitive process. Generally, you must perform six sessions to shave the groin, then this process within a year by the grow back, meaning you will not get rid of them forever.The positive aspect of this method is that over the years by diminish until they stop growing completely, so if you do hair removal with laser annually within a few years will not need to do, but it depends on each body.The method is painful, delicate and expensive, so it must be done by a trusted dermatologist. Furthermore, it is not advisable for women who already have dark spots in the groin, because the trend is that the laser would further aggravate these spots.After waxing is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun, tanning and the use of certain products because the skin will be more sensitive. Source : depilacao Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google Plus About Foxer RELATED POSTS
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